How Can an Estate Planning Law Firm Help Avoid Probate?

All of us hope that we can pass along some valuable assets to our kids and grandkids. That’s a big part of what the estate planning process is all about: Ensuring that you’re leaving a real legacy for your loved ones. Sadly, passing along assets is not as simple as you might think. There are […]
5 Reasons You Need to Hire a Revocable Living Trust Lawyer

The idea of ensuring that your property goes to the right person after you’ve passed on is a rather sad one, but one that you must face, nonetheless. And as you dive into it, you are bound to come face to face with a lot of jargon that flies over your head, unless you’re a […]
How Can a Living Trust Attorney Help You During COVID-19 in Planning for the Future of Your Estate?

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that none of us ever know for certain what tomorrow will bring. The coronavirus has brought into stark relief the precarious state of our lives and our world, and it’s prompted many of us to think anew about our level of preparedness for tomorrow and all […]
Do You Really Need a Living Trust Attorney?

By creating a living trust, you can manage your assets during your lifetime, and streamline the estate planning process. For many individuals, a living trust may be more beneficial than a last will and testament. A common question about living trusts is, can they be established all on your own? Or is it better to […]
What is a Revocable Living Trust in California?

Estate planning is all about preparing for the future, ensuring that your legacy, your assets, and your end-of-life wishes are upheld with minimal hassle to your heirs and beneficiaries. One way in which residents of California might prepare for the future is to put a revocable living trust into place. While this isn’t a necessary […]
How to Create an Advance Healthcare Directive
Estate Planning Documents for Every Stage of Life
Your estate plan isn’t something you can “set and forget.” It’s dynamic, evolving along with your life and your family. As such, it’s critical to be attentive to your estate plan, revisiting it every few years and amending it as needed. The specific needs of your estate plan will vary according to the season of […]
Irrevocable Trust Taxes
One of the primary goals of estate planning is to preserve the value of your estate—ensuring that the assets you leave behind retain their full value as they are passed down to your beneficiaries. A key component of this is tax planning. Simply put, you don’t want your estate to be whittled away by taxes. […]
Should You Serve as a Trustee?
It’s an honor when your friend or family member asks you to serve as their trustee. What that means is that they are entrusting you to properly handle key assets upon their death—suggesting that they view you as someone who is trustworthy and responsible. With that said, serving as a trustee isn’t something you should […]
Make These Financial Moves Before Your Baby is Born
When you have a little one on the way, there is always much preparation to be done. You have to buy diapers, and assemble the crib, and learn how to properly install a car seat. And of course, there are financial plans to make, as well. In fact, financial advisors and estate planning lawyers advise […]