California Trustee Duties
You have been chosen as a Successor Trustee. It is important to know facts on what your duties are if you are chosen as a California Trustee. Know Your Duties When nominated to be a trustee you owe many duties and obligations to the beneficiaries. You are a fiduciary and owe a fiduciary duty to […]
What is a Financial Power of Attorney?
You’ve probably heard of the importance of having a Power of Attorney. Even though many of us know we need this document, many people don’t understand why we need it and what it actually does. Don’t overlook the fact that you also need to consider what would happen if you were incapacitated and unable to […]
Basic Estate Planning vs. Advanced Estate Planning in California
Rich or poor, everyone has an estate. For some, this can mean real estate, bank accounts, business interests, and more. For others it could be as simple as the clothes on their back. Either way, what you leave behind when you pass is considered to be your “estate”. You should plan, because even if you’re […]
How Often Should You Update Your California Estate Planning Documents?
Making estate planning changes to your California Estate Plan when there has been a life changing event will contribute to reducing conflict when you are no more. It will further make your intentions clear. Estate planning should be reviewed after life changes, like the death or divorce of a child or the illness, addiction or […]
How Should I Hold Title To My Real Estate in California?
Many times in our Estate Planning practice, we get asked, how should we hold title to our real estate? Or sometimes the client states, “I have my real estate held jointly with my spouse, thus I do not need a living trust.” The following five variations of legal title are broken down. However, one form […]
Do You Have a Permanent “Intent” to Reside in the US?
The United States is a land of opportunity, drawing people every single day. As people immigrate to the United States, it’s important for them to have their financial house in order… and often, that includes estate tax planning. At Singh Law Firm, we’re pleased to walk clients through all aspects of the estate tax law […]