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Advanced Estate Planning

Special Needs Trust

Special needs trusts are established to provide for an individual who is either mentally or physically challenged. Individuals who do possess one of these disabilities often receive government funding to provide for necessary living costs. A special needs trust, when established correctly, will not interfere with any government funding and will allow the individual to receive the benefits of the both the trust and any government support.

If you wish to form a trust for an individual who is mentally or physically challenged then you should speak with a Fremont estate planning lawyer to learn how to properly form such an agreement.

Special needs trust in California

Creating a special needs trust in Fremont

When an individual receives a trust, the benefits often exceed the limit for any government funding possibilities. The special needs trust was formed for this exact purpose as it can protect the challenged individual’s ability to receive both the trust and the government funding.

The Singh Law Firm can help you or a loved one create a special needs trust for the person of your choice. A special needs trust does not initially grant property rights to the beneficiary. The trust maintains control of any gifts or assets and passes them on as necessary or as instructed. We will make sure that your trust does not interfere with any government funding the beneficiary may be receiving and dedicate our resources to ensuring you a peace of mind.

Special needs trusts are often used to buy necessary items for the beneficiary whether that is transportation, medical supplies, a computer or rehabilitation materials. Our law firm can help you determine the best way to ensure that those you love are cared for well in the event of your death. We have dedicated our legal careers to helping individuals with their estate plans and we know exactly how to create a special needs trust for you. These trusts require a careful attention to detail as any minor error can create serious legal problems for your heirs. We will make sure that your trust is legally sound so your beneficiary is protected should the unexpected occur.