NorCal: 510-901-5375 | Newport Beach: 949-676-6166

Start Estate Planning When You’re Still Young

Young Estate Plan | Singh Law Firm

When you’re young—just starting out in your career, maybe, or planning to have a family—estate planning may be the furthest thing from your mind. It’s critical to understand, however, that your future isn’t already secured. There are plenty of unexpected twists and turns that could happen in an instant—robbing you of your assets or even […]

Having “The Talk” About Estate Planning with Elderly Parents

Elderly Parents Estate Planning | Singh Law Firm

Nobody likes talking about mortality. It’s an uncomfortable thing to address. Talking about it with friends and family members can be especially painful—yet it’s also important. We all die, and when our time comes, we don’t want to leave our family members with any financial burdens or tough decisions. Thus, it’s important to have “the […]

Where to Start with Estate Planning

Personal Estate Planning | Singh Law Firm

Estate planning isn’t necessarily an easy thing to discuss. For one thing, it has a lot of moving pieces, including both legal and financial considerations that can seem daunting. For another, estate planning requires us to think about our own mortality—never exactly pleasant. With that said, however, knowing the estate planning basics is imperative. Even […]

How Divorce Impacts Your Estate Planning

Divorce Impacts | Singh Law Firm

When you’re in the thrall of a new marriage, it can be hard to imagine how you’d ever get divorced—yet statistics reveal that divorce is common, and can happen to anyone. Indeed, divorces can be abrupt and surprising, disrupting years of harmonious domesticity and affecting every aspect of the family’s life. Even apart from the […]

Estate Planning and Your Facebook Account

Facebook Estate Planning | Singh Law Firm

In today’s world, online connectivity is a vital part of our lives. The majority of us have not just one but multiple social media accounts—with Facebook accounts being the most commonplace of all. These accounts are meaningful to us, and it’s only natural to wonder what happens to them after we die—a question that leads […]

Ask Your Attorney for Help with Understanding Living Trusts

Power of attorney lawyer

Estate planning is about much more than just having a will. A number of other legal structures and tools can be used to help you protect your legacy—and one of the most common is the living trust. While certainly not the be-all-and-end-all of estate planning, a living trust can help cover some of the basics. […]

Top 10 Estate Planning Errors That Could Spell Trouble

Any Troble Estate Planning | Singh Law Firm

No matter how diligent you are in your estate planning efforts, accidents can happen and mistakes can be made. Sometimes, even a seemingly trivial error could have serious consequences for your heirs, or for your estate plan in general. To ensure that your estate plan’s credibility is undiminished, it’s important to be aware of some […]

Three Reasons You Need Estate Planning

Reasons Estate Planning | Singh Law Firm

All of us want to leave a legacy behind. Specifically, we want to leave a better life for our children, our grandchildren, and everyone else who comes after us. That’s one of the main stimuli for estate planning. It’s through the estate planning process that you can ensure your loved ones are well taken care […]

Why You Need a Special Needs Trust

Need Estate Planning Attorney | Singh Law Firm

When you have someone in your family with special needs, it means you need to take some extra steps to help them live a fulfilling life. Of course, this might include seeing special doctors and healthcare providers. It might also entail some special financial planning. One particular step that’s often helpful is setting up a […]