NorCal: 510-901-5375 | SoCal: 818-658-2174 | Newport Beach: 949-676-6166

Understanding the Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney | SIngh Law Firm

The Power of Attorney, or POA, is one of the most important estate planning documents—but also one of the most misunderstood. A POA allows you to appoint a person, or in some cases an organization, to make key decisions for you should you ever become unable to do so. Not all POA documents are created […]

Helping Your Parents Manage Their Finances

Manage Finance | Singh Law Firm

Sooner or later, most adult children reach a place where they need to step in and help manage their parents’ finances. This is a big responsibility, especially if your parents have deteriorating physical or mental health. Here are a few guidelines that can help make the process as smooth and as successful as possible. Stepping […]

Where to Keep Your Will


Creating your will is an important step in the estate planning process—but it’s hardly the final step. Once the will is created, it also needs to be maintained—kept somewhere that’s both safe yet also accessible, as routine revisions will likely be needed to keep your will current. The question is, where is the best place […]

Talk to Your Family About Your Estate Plan

Talk To Esate Lawyer | Singh Law Firm

You’re not the only one impacted by your estate plan; in fact, estate plans are really put into place to benefit and protect other people, usually the ones we care about most. As such, an important part of the estate planning process is open communication with those who are impacted by the plan. With the […]

Common Mistakes in Last Wills

Wills and Testament | Singh Law Firm

Putting a last will and testament into place is an essential step in getting your estate in order—and if you’ve made a will, you deserve kudos for your initiative. But wait: That doesn’t mean you’re all done. There’s much more to estate planning than simply making a will. In fact, there are many ways in […]

Estate Planning for Blended Families

Blended-Family Estate Planning | Singh Law Firm

Blended families can sometimes pose unique challenges to the estate planning process. For instance, if one parent dies or becomes incapacitated, there can arise tension or disagreement between the surviving spouse and the children, leaving some of these parties to feel like they’ve been excluded. These issues can be minimized through smart planning; here are […]

What is a Pour-Over Will?

Wills Attorney | Singh Law Firm

As you read about the estate planning process, you may come across the term pour-over will—but what does this term mean, exactly? Essentially, it’s a safety device. It’s a last will and testament that captures any assets not included in a living trust. To understand the implications of this, you first need to understand how […]

Estate Planning 101: A Checklist

Checklist Estate Planning | Singh Law Firm

There are many people who understand the importance of estate planning, but find themselves intimidated by the process. You want to take care of your family, even after your death, but where do you even begin? Which documents do you need? What arrangements should you make? This post isn’t meant to be an in-depth guide […]

Myths and Misconceptions About Estate Planning

Misconceptions Estate Planning | Singh Law Firm

Estate planning is all about the legacy you leave for your loved ones, and the stipulations you provide for their ongoing provision and care. As such, it’s important to get it right. Part of that involves sorting through some of the common estate planning myths and misconceptions that have risen to prominence. Here are a […]

Should You Hire an Estate Planning Professional?

Hire Estate Lawyer | Singh Law Firm

Estate planning—like household plumbing or electrical repair—is something that you technically can do on your own, though this is not always a wise or safe idea. That’s because your estate planning is both important and complex. It’s important because it outlines what you want to happen to your legacy, and how your loved ones will […]