How Should I Hold Title To My Real Estate in California?

Many times in our Estate Planning practice, we get asked, how should we hold title to our real estate? Or sometimes the client states, “I have my real estate held jointly with my spouse, thus I do not need a living trust.” The following five variations of legal title are broken down. However, one form […]
Do Not Plan Your Estate Around Specific Assets! – The case of Jim.

Unless there are compelling reasons why a specific asset should go to a specific person, you should not try to plan around specific assets. We are repeatedly asked why do I need a trust? I want to add my kid’s names as beneficiaries to my accounts and add them to the title of my property. […]
Estate Planning & Marriages

The beauty of the Peninsula creates picturesque backdrops for weddings. Couples from around the US and the world gather here with their families to start the new chapter of their lives. This chapter may be their first regarding marriage or it may be their second or third. When marrying, careful consideration must be made regarding […]
Do You Have a Permanent “Intent” to Reside in the US?

The United States is a land of opportunity, drawing people every single day. As people immigrate to the United States, it’s important for them to have their financial house in order… and often, that includes estate tax planning. At Singh Law Firm, we’re pleased to walk clients through all aspects of the estate tax law […]
Gift Trusts for Minors

School is in session and the little (and not so little) ones are off. You can see them in the mornings, walking through our Del Monte Forest to get to their schools on time. It is a wonderful time of year that is focused on children, routines, goals, and education. On a broader scale, as […]
Living Trust and Will Lawyers: What’s the Difference?

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