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Advance healthcare directive

What is an Advance Health Care Directive and What Does it Include?

Estate planning lawyers can help you prepare for all manner of contingencies, including sudden or premature death. Additionally, estate planning lawyers can assist you in solidifying your wishes for end-of-life care and medical intervention, should you ever find yourself medically incapacitated.

That’s really what the advance health care directive is all about. If you’ve never heard of this important estate planning document, now is as good a time as any to familiarize yourself. If you have any specific questions, reach out to the Singh Law Firm team directly.

What is an Advance Health Care Directive?

An advance health care directive is a legal document that is often considered to be essential to the estate planning process. You may know this document by one of its other names, including living will, personal directive, or advance decision.

Basically, the advance health care directive allows you to outline your wishes for medical treatment and health interventions, specifically for instances in which you are unable to speak up for yourself or to voice your wishes. For example, an advance health care directive may provide doctors with guidance on if and when you want life-saving measures to be used, should you fall into a coma or become otherwise incapacitated.

Along the same lines, an advance health care directive allows you to clarify if and when you want life support interventions to be withdrawn.

Why Get an Advance Health Care Directive?

There are a number of reasons why you might wish to work with an advance directive attorney and get one of these documents into place.

The reality is that accidents, illnesses, and injuries can befall any of us, and at any time. Should you become incapacitated somehow, you may find peace of mind in knowing that your doctors understand your wishes. Additionally, an advance health care directive provides some comfort to your family members, who won’t have to guess as to your true wishes; they will have a document in place that lays it all out for them, minimizing any anguish or disagreement among your loved ones as they wrestle with how to care for you.

Are There Alternatives to an Advance Health Care Directive?

When you meet with an advance directive attorney, you may also wish to discuss a Power of Attorney.

A Power of Attorney allows you to name another person to act as your legal representative, speaking on your behalf should you become medically incapacitated.

With a financial power of attorney, you can designate someone to serve as your representative in business, financial, and tax-related decisions.

With a medical power of attorney, on the other hand, you can name someone to call the shots with regard to your health care, should you be unable to speak for yourself.

An estate planning attorney can assist you with any directive Power of Attorney questions you may have, and also guide you to select the legal document(s) that make the most sense for your estate planning goals.

Speak with the Estate Planning Lawyers at Singh Law Firm

More inquiries about directive Power of Attorney issues? We’d love to help. We welcome you to contact Singh Law Firm and make an appointment to speak with an estate planning lawyer.

Our firm provides comprehensive estate planning solutions to individuals and families throughout Fremont, always delivering plans that are customized to your individual needs. We’d love to tell you more about the merits of including an advance health care directive in your estate plan. Reach out to us whenever you’re ready to chat.



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43480 Mission Boulevard, Suite 270
Fremont, CA 94539