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Advance health care directive

What You Need to Know About Your Advance Health Care Directive

Estate planning is all about preparing for the future… and that means accounting for a wide range of uncertainties. For example, what happens if you ever become medically incapacitated, such as in a coma? While this may not be a likely outcome, it’s certainly a conceivable one. And with the right estate planning, it’s something you can be ready for.

One way to prepare for this eventuality is by drafting an advance health care directive. An advance care directive from Singh Law Firm can answer any questions you may have about this document, and ultimately help you get an advance care directive in place.

Understanding Your Advance Health Care Directive

Before you meet with an advance directive lawyer, it may be helpful to brush up on some of the basics. Here are a few of the most essential things for you to know about your advance health care directive.

What is an advance health care directive?

Essentially, an advance health care directive is an estate planning document that allows you to state your wishes for medical care, should you ever become incapacitated and unable to speak for yourself. For example, an advance health care directive may outline the kinds of life-saving treatments you desire if you ever fall into a coma… or, the circumstances under which you would want life support services withdrawn.

Why do I need an advance health care directive?

Even if you are young and healthy, a sudden accident, injury, or illness could befall you, leaving you unable to voice your own preferences regarding medical care. An advance health care directive can put your intentions in writing, which doesn’t just provide you with peace of mind; it also offers clarity to your family members and to the doctors who treat you.

What about a power of attorney?

Your advance care directive may recommend that you choose a durable power of attorney instead of, or potentially in addition to, an advance health care directive. A medical power of attorney will let you appoint someone to be your legal representative, making health care decisions for you when you are unable to do so yourself. A financial power of attorney appoints someone to make business decisions for you, should you be unable to do so yourself. Again, an advance directive lawyer can walk you through the distinctions and the pros and cons of each.

Can I use an advance health directive to name someone who can’t make decisions for me?

Yes; in addition to appointing someone to make decisions on your behalf, you can also use your directive to name someone you don’t wish to be involved in any medical decisions.

Where should I keep my advance health care directive? 

You will probably want to maintain a copy at your attorney’s office, and also give one to your physician. Have a copy at home, somewhere your family members will know to look for it. You can speak with your attorney more about storage solutions for your estate planning documents.

Speak with an Advance Care Directive in California

Do you have any additional questions about using an advance health care directive? We invite you to contact Singh Law Firm, where you may speak with a leading advance care directive in California.

Our firm offers ample directive power of attorney expertise. We would love to help you schedule an appointment with a power of attorney lawyer, who can answer any further questions about your estate planning needs.

Reach out to Singh Law Firm for advance care planning at your next opportunity.


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43480 Mission Boulevard, Suite 270
Fremont, CA 94539