NorCal: 510-901-5375 | Newport Beach: 949-676-6166

5 Questions to Ask Your Wills, Trusts, and Estates Attorney

wills, trusts and estate attorney

It’s sometimes assumed that estate planning is a fairly straightforward affair: You draw up a will. You decide who gets what when you die. You dot your I’s and cross your t’s. And that’s pretty much that. Actually, estate planning encompasses a wide number of concerns. It’s not just about your monetary assets. It’s about […]

5 Reasons You Need to Hire a Revocable Living Trust Lawyer

hiring a living trust lawyer

The idea of ensuring that your property goes to the right person after you’ve passed on is a rather sad one, but one that you must face, nonetheless. And as you dive into it, you are bound to come face to face with a lot of jargon that flies over your head, unless you’re a […]

Irrevocable vs. Revocable Living Trust in California: Which is Right for You?

revocable living trust california

In the estate planning law, one of the most beneficial documents is a living trust. It’s crucial to note that not all living trusts are created equal, and one of the most consequential decisions you’ll have to make is whether you want an irrevocable living trust or a revocable living trust in California. There’s a […]

When Exactly Do You Require a Will and Trust Attorney?

How to Create an Advance Healthcare Directive

Strictly speaking, it’s not necessary to hire a will and trust attorney. Legally speaking, you’re within your rights to handle your core estate planning documents on your own. However, this may put you at a disadvantage; estate planning is complicated, and a wills trusts and estates attorney will provide you with the right strategic focus […]

How Does an Estate Planning Law Firm Protect Your Family?

What Does an Estate Planning Attorney Do to Protect Your Family

In the COVID-19 era, many families are feeling uncertainty more acutely than ever before. We’re anxious about our health. We’re scared about our financial circumstances. We’re unclear on what the future holds for schools, houses of worship, and small businesses. We’re not just concerned for ourselves, but for our families, too. Estate planning doesn’t remove […]

When Should You Consider a Revocable Living Trust in California?

revocable living trust california

In estate planning, a last will and testament may not always be sufficient. In fact, Singh Law Firm advises many of its clients to consider the value of a revocable living trust. In this post, we’ll explain the merits of having a revocable trust in California. Hopefully, this will help you ascertain whether this might […]

Understanding the Importance of an Estate Planning Attorney

wills, trusts and estate attorney

None of us can predict with any certainty what tomorrow will bring. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought this into stark reality; surely none of us imagined, six months ago, that we’d soon be holed in up quarantine. Estate planning provides a way to live with this uncertainty. It affords you some basic tools for ensuring […]

How to Find a Good Will and Trust Attorney without Leaving Your House

revocable living trust california

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought all of us face-to-face with mortality. Many of us have realized just how fragile life really is, and how quickly things can change. While such revelations can be challenging to grapple with, there are some silver linings. For example, a number of individuals have gotten serious about planning their legacies, […]