NorCal: 510-901-5375 | Newport Beach: 949-676-6166

Why You Need a Special Needs Trust

Need Estate Planning Attorney | Singh Law Firm

When you have someone in your family with special needs, it means you need to take some extra steps to help them live a fulfilling life. Of course, this might include seeing special doctors and healthcare providers. It might also entail some special financial planning. One particular step that’s often helpful is setting up a […]

Which Assets Should You Leave to Your Family?

Family Estate Lawyer | SIngh Law Firm

A big part of estate planning is deciding how you’ll pass along your assets— specifically, deciding which assets to leave to which family members. The more assets you have, of course, the more challenging this becomes. There are a few different factors to consider as you determine how to distribute your assets. In this post, […]

Common Myths About Trusts & Estate Planning


Through estate planning, you can protect your legacy and provide for your family and close loved ones—even after death. It’s much too important to get wrong, so before you begin your estate planning efforts, it’s important to dispel a few common rumors. Estate Planning Myths & Misconceptions “Estate planning is only for the wealthy.” The […]

Common Mistakes in Last Wills

Wills and Testament | Singh Law Firm

Putting a last will and testament into place is an essential step in getting your estate in order—and if you’ve made a will, you deserve kudos for your initiative. But wait: That doesn’t mean you’re all done. There’s much more to estate planning than simply making a will. In fact, there are many ways in […]

Why a Will is Not Sufficient

One of the most common misconceptions about estate planning is that simply having a will in place is sufficient to dispose of an estate and avoid probate court. In most cases, this simply isn’t true. The will, after all, exists to lay out the individual’s wishes for the distribution of his/her estate—but the will itself […]

What’s the Difference Between a Will and a Trust?

What’s the Difference Between a Will and a Trust

Part of the estate planning process is ensuring that your assets go to the right people—and that your beneficiaries can receive those assets with minimal legal disruption. Without the proper estate planning documents, the legacy you leave behind may be caught up in probate courts, rather than going directly to your kids, grandkids, or other […]

Estate Planning for Digital Assets

View Assets Estate Planning | SIngh Law Firm

Do you worry about your Digital footprint? Wonder what happens to your facebook, twiter, instagram, youtube, and other online accounts when you pass?  Technology has been advancing at an extremely rapid pace and our legislatures have been working equally fast.  This last January, California adopted the Revised Uniform Access to Digital Assets Act (“RUFADAA”).  California […]

California Special Needs Trusts

Estate Attorney | SIngh Law FIrm

If you have a beneficiary who suffers from a disability, perhaps a handicapped minor or adult child, you should consider leaving their inheritance in a specific and specially-constructed trust commonly referred to as a Special Needs Trust to protect the handicapped child and keep them eligible for public assistance. A few issues arise for disabled […]