NorCal: 510-901-5375 | Newport Beach: 949-676-6166

How Does a Financial Power of Attorney Work?

power of attorney lawyer

Estate planning isn’t only about planning for what happens upon your death. It can also be about planning for what happens should you become medically incapacitated in some way. For example, what would happen if you fell into a coma? How would you want your loved ones to respond, should you be unable to voice […]

5 Qualities of an Excellent Estate Planning Law Firm

The Biggest Estate Planning Errors (According to Attorneys)

Estate planning encompasses some of the most important decisions you’ll make in your entire life. These include decisions about what will happen to your money when you die; who will look after your kids if you die while they’re still minors; and what kind of legacy you’ll leave behind. Naturally, these considerations are too important […]

Understanding the Importance of a Living Will Trust Power of Attorney

Power of attorney lawyer

It’s exceedingly common for individuals to draft a will, then assume that their estate planning work is done. While a will is often the crucial first step toward a comprehensive estate plan, it’s seldom the last. There are a number of other documents that may be helpful to those engaged in advanced estate planning, including […]

The Importance of a Durable Power of Attorney

durable power of attorney

The estate planning process entails a number of crucial documents, one of which is the Durable Power of Attorney. While not everyone needs a Power of Attorney within their estate plan, we’d certainly recommend considering it, thinking about whether it aligns with your personal goals and values. In this post, we’ll offer an overview of […]

When Do You Require an Advance Health Care Directive?

Brief Introduction to Living Will and Trust Lawyers

Ultimately, estate planning is about preparing for the future. Part of that means ensuring that you leave a legacy for the people you love. Part of it means being certain that your children are taken care of, no matter what. And part of it means your own wishes are upheld, even if you end up […]

Do I Need to Hire a Living Trust Attorney?

Financial power of attorney

When it comes to estate planning, you naturally want to get everything just right. You want to make all the smart strategic decisions and get all your documents in place, ensuring optimal outcomes for yourself and the people you love. The problem is that estate planning can get complicated! Once you get into advanced estate […]

How to Work with an Estate Planning Lawyer During the Pandemic

estate planning lawyer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There’s really nothing that hasn’t been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the way we think about business, the way we think about school, even the way we think about religious gatherings. But what about estate planning? Even in the midst of a pandemic, it’s important to have your will and trusts in place and […]

What You Should Know About Your Power of Attorney Lawyer

Power of attorney lawyer

As you consider your estate planning needs, one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is the Power of Attorney. Simply put, this legal document allows you to ensure that your wishes are upheld, even if you become incapacitated by accident, injury, or illness. A Power of Attorney lawyer can help you put this […]