Making a Living Trust: Do it Yourself or Hire a Living Trust Attorney?
There are a number of common misconceptions about the estate planning process. One of the most treacherous of all is the notion that all you

Why Do Your College Students Need a Healthcare Power of Attorney?
Many of us assume that estate planning is largely concerned with end-of-life issues… and thus, may be of limited use for the young and the

Living Trust or Will Lawyers: Who is Right for You?
Estate planning is never one-size-fits-all. Everyone has different goals, different needs, and different financial situations. As such, one of the most important steps in the

What Type of Attorney Handles Wills, Trusts and Estates?
Estate planning is never something to be done lightly. After all, estate planning allows you to prepare for the future… not just ensuring that your

Top Misconceptions About the Durable Power of Attorney
When used properly, the Power of Attorney can be a powerful tool for estate planning. However, the Power of Attorney is also one of the

Are There Different Types of Estate Planning Lawyer Services?
As you make plans for the future, seeking to ensure the best for your family line, it can be beneficial to work with an estate

Why You Need an Estate Planning Law Firm to Distribute Property
The estate planning process allows you to answer many questions about your tangible assets and your end-of-life wishes. One of the most basic questions is:

When Do You Hire a Living Trust Lawyer?
The estate planning process allows you to determine how your affairs will be handled after you die, or, in some cases, become medically incapacitated. That’s

Understanding the Importance of a Will and Trust Attorney
Estate planning is an important way of preparing for the future. With the right estate plan, you can ensure that your assets are preserved, and

Estate Planning Law: Five Things You Need to Know About Managing Your Assets in 2021
There aren’t many of us who would say that 2020 was an especially good year; due to the pandemic as well as ongoing political division,

How an Estate Planning Attorney is Different Than a Will Planning Attorney
When you think about estate planning, what’s the first thing you think of? For most people, it’s probably the last will and testament. The will

Living Trust and Will Attorney: Essential Things You Must Know
Estate planning provides a number of tools and documents you can use to plan for the future, including the end of your life as well

What You Need to Know About Your Advance Health Care Directive
Estate planning is all about preparing for the future… and that means accounting for a wide range of uncertainties. For example, what happens if you

5 Important Things to Ask Your Living Wills Lawyer
One of the most essential aspects of estate planning is thinking about what will happen to you should you ever become medically incapacitated. While this

Rights of a Financial Power of Attorney
With certain estate planning documents, you can name someone to serve as your legal representative, empowering them to make important decisions on your behalf should

5 Important Questions to Ask Your Living Trust and Will Lawyer
Your estate plan should reflect your ultimate wishes, values, and preferences. To assure this, it’s important that you have a healthy, open relationship with your